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Aerobic Health  > Water Fun    Printable Version

Aerobic exercise is exercise that gets your heart pumping, blood flowing and the calories burning. Unfortunately, many aerobic exercises can be very difficult for people who have achy hips and knees. But don’t despair! Water provides the perfect medium for a great pain-free aerobic workout. This low-impact workout provides all the health benefits of transitional aerobic exercises such as walking, running and dancing without the stress on your lower joints. 

Give working out in the water a try. You don’t have to jump into the pool and star doing laps, although you won’t be alone, swimming is the third most popular sports activity in the U.S., instead start small. Even sitting on the side of the pool and dangling your feet is a step in the right direction. Once you feel comfortable you will be able to get into the water up to your chest and just feel how you can be both heavy and light at the same time. You’re who body is lighter due to the buoyancy of the water, but actually moving through the water can be tough as there is a lot more resistance than when you’re on dry land. This perfect combination means you can get a great pain-free workout. 

The pool is not the only place you can exercise. Try going to the local beach; whether ocean, lake or pond, there is a lot of free and fun exercise to be had. You don’t even need to get into a bathing suit. Just take off your shoes, roll up your pants and walk through the surf. The resistance of the water will give your evening workout that extra kick. 

Front Crawl For Beginners

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