Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Strength    Printable Version

If you picture Arnold Schwarzenegger when you think about being strong, think again. Being strong does not mean being bulky and burly. It means being lean, toned and strong…and maybe looking good in a tank top.

Being stronger can make your life a lot easier. Lifting groceries, moving heavy boxes and hauling laundry will be less difficult if you have more muscles on those bones. Also the stronger you are the less likely you are to be sidelined by an injury caused by doing these routine chores.

Muscle mass is also more metabolically active than fat mass, meaning that the more muscle you have, the more calories you’re burning at rest- always a good thing. Creating this muscle mass through resistance training, whether against your own body or with the help of weights, causes strain on your bones; in a good way. This strain on your bones is one of the best things you can do to maintain a strong skeleton. Strong bones are imperative for preventing the devastating effects of osteoporosis.

The best part of strength training is that it’s not too late to start incorporating a few techniques into your daily routine. Benefit from stronger muscles and bones and faster metabolism by starting today.

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