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Exercise Intensity- Are You Pushing Yourself Too Hard?

Maybe you’ve started a walking program, or some other form of physical activity, and you feel like you’re doing something right but are unsure of what intensity you should be moving at. If your walk consists of a leisurely stroll along the beach, it’s likely you’re not working hard enough to derive any substantial health benefit. If you’re walking so vigorously that you can barely breathe, you’re likely pushing yourself too hard. Pushing yourself too hard can be dangerous and can really turn you off to exercising. Finding the right balance is crucial for enjoying your workout and getting the most from your exercise time.

One of the simplest ways to determine if you’re exercising at the rate that is best for you is to use the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. Using this scale is a way of measuring your physical activity intensity level based on how hard you feel like your body is working. While everyone is different, a good level to aim for on this scale is 12-14 which is considered at “moderate” level of intensity. Using this scale can help you determine if you need to turn the intensity-dial up or down during your workout.

6- No exertion at all

7/8- Extremely light

9/10- Very light: This would be walking slowly at your own pace.

10/11- Light

12/13- Somewhat hard: Exercising at this intensity is difficult but you feel comfortable continuing.

14/15 Hard (heavy)

16/17-Very hard: This is very strenuous, you can still exercise but you really have to push yourself and you may feel fatigued.

18/19-Extremely hard: This is extremely strenuous; close to the hardest you have ever pushed yourself.

20-Maximal exertion

Tips for using the Perceived Exertion RPE scale:
1. Practice, it will take some time to learn how to reflect on how you feel.
2. Focus on the total feeling of exertion; try to tune out factors like temporary cramps, aches and shortness of breath.
3. If you feel you are working too hard to fulfill your workout goal, slow down a little; don’t stop.
4. Don’t compare your “14” with someone else’s “14”. This scale is very subjective and every person will experience different levels of exertion at different intensity levels.
5. If you feel like you can push yourself a little harder: do it!


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