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Nintendo Wii-Fit™

Wii Fit™ is currently the third best selling console game in history, which means it must be a blast to play! The console works by using a unique platform called the Wii Balance Board™ with built-in software to measure body mass index (BMI). This board is so sensitive that it measures your body weight sixty times per second, translating information about your weight distribution into your posture and balance. This information is reflected immediately on your TV screen to show your performance at a given activity.

The games are divided into four basic categories: yoga, strength training, aerobics and balance games. This is great exposure to a wide array of exercises that you may otherwise never try. It is easy to get stuck in a rut at the gym, either doing hundreds of biceps curls or slugging it out on the elliptical for an hour. This can be BORING! Wii-Fit™ offers over 40 different activities, which range from standard exercises like pushups and yoga, to action sports like downhill skiing. The exercises are all designed to be fun while simultaneously increasing your heart rate, improving muscle tone, and helping you develop “core” muscle groups that are important for balance and posture. Wii Fit™ also comes equipped with an activity log that allows players to enter activities performed outside of the game setting, thereby providing a more accurate estimation of daily activity.

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