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Tips for Staying Hydrated
Water is the most plentiful component of the human body, making up about 60% of a man’s body and 50% of a woman’s body. Water in your cells provides form and structure for your whole body and acts as a medium to facilitate important reactions. Water outside of your cells is important for the transport and exchange of nutrients, gases and heat. We must drink enough water every day to keep our bodies in shape (literally!). The average human loses about 10 cups of water each day through sweat, breathing and going to the bathroom. This water needs to be replaced to maintain the body’s fluid balance. Learning how to stay well hydrated—what to drink, when to drink, and how to monitor hydration—is critical to keep you fit, focused, and yes, fluid.
Different people need different amounts of water to stay well hydrated. Although the eight, 8 ounce cups of water rule may be the most popular, this recommendation is not based on science, and the reality is that some people need more and some people need less water to stay adequately hydrated. Remember to monitor the color of your urine to check for signs of dehydration (should be a pale yellow) and follow some of these tips so that you can stay hydrated every day wherever life may take you.
1) Carry a water bottle with you at all times.  Invest in a reusable bottle that can be filled with tap water. Most public spaces have drinking fountains to fill up at.
2) Eat your fruits and vegetables! This is just another reason that fruits and vegetables are so great for you and your health—they, like us, are made up of a lot of water. Who said you can only get water by drinking it?
3) If plain water does not appeal to you, add some flavor! Add in some fresh fruit, some lemons, or some limes. Also, companies many companies are now offer single-serving flavor packs in delicious flavors of all varieties. Many are calorie-free.
4) Start your day will a few cups of water. Hydrate before you start your daily routine.
5) Drink tea. Tea is made using hot water and certain teas, particularly green tea, have been linked to health benefits. Green tea contains a compound called ECGC is a potent antioxidant.
6) If your days are hectic and you can never seem to remember to drink water, set a schedule. Drink when you first wake up, with every meal, and again at dinner time. Or set an alarm that will remind you to have a small cup of water every hour. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.
7) If you are doing weight training exercises, take a sip of water when you are resting in between sets.
8) Drink water at restaurants. It will keep you away from the empty calories in bread, soda and alcohol, and it’s free!

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