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The Power of Intent

Okay, here is an exercise.

Think about something negative:
Something stressful; a person you are angry with; someone or something that makes you upset. Now try to think about how you will problem solve or behave towards your employees or co-workers, or children or spouse. Or perhaps, think about not eating that piece of chocolate cake that is sitting in the refrigerator.

Even with the best of intentions, your negative emotions, thoughts and feelings will over-ride your intention to be positive, kind and smart. What’s worse, is that with these negative emotions, you don’t feel so great physically either. You are in your stress response.

Now try the opposite:
Think about something or someone positive—when you laughed; looking into the eyes of someone you adore; gazing at a miracle, etc. Try thinking about the same things as you did in the first exercise. You may find that your positive intentions actually lead to positive action. Even better, you feel pretty good physically too. You are not in your stress response.

Amazing how that happens.

Positive intention is important as it will usually lead to positive action, outcome and sense of wellbeing.

Have you heard about the movie or book called The Secret?

The premise of The Secret is that your thoughts control the universe. In other words, if you set a positive intention or thought, the universe will comply and supply. Based on this "law of attraction", you are able "manifest" what you want. "See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.”

Thing is, that if you are in a negative state of mind, guess what you will attract.

If you are lacking in something—like money—you are in need. It is a reality. Perhaps you have not had work in a while or you have been unsuccessful in regularly paying your bills on time. Based on your negative experiences of not having enough money repeatedly, you develop the belief that you cannot successfully acquire money or the generalized assumption that you will never meet necessary payments. Your brain will create a prediction about your future—I do not have enough and the likelihood is that in the future, I will not have enough.

The key to changing this negative cycle and the premise of The Secret is the notion that you assume you will have what you want. This means that within your mind—conscious, subconscious and unconscious—there is no doubt that you will get or have whatever you are asking for and that if you do not immediately get what you are asking for, you will get it in time. Like your breath, you know in no uncertain terms that another breath will come the minute you let go of one. There is not moment of need because you always manage to have.

To arrive at positive intention, you want to work on your negative emotions, your stress response and your underlying belief or assumption of not being or having enough.

You can shift this mindset easily by focusing on your breath.
• Inhale deeply until you think you may explode.
• Then exhale completely, until there is nothing left.
• Inhale again, and notice you can’t help it.
• Exhale again, and notice you can’t stop it even if you try.
• Notice how there is always a breath in and a breath out.
• It is a complete circle.
• Every flowing.
• Ever lasting.
• Repeat these words as the circle of your breath flows:
• “I am enough, I have enough.”


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