Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Stress  > The Relaxation Response    Printable Version

When we are faced with a stress we go gear up to go at it, or run in the opposite direction. So whether you’re faced with a home intruder or 96 emails in your inbox, your body is getting ready to tackle the situation, or run for the hills, whatever it takes to survive. Now this is great if you have a home intruder, but in the case of everyday stressors, there is often no room for release, or end in sight and it’s likely that you are in a state of stress several times a day. All this stress can wreak havoc on your health; from the physical toll like headaches to the mental toll of dealing with one stressor after another. 

Taking steps to manage your stress can have numerous health benefits. One great way to manage your stress better is to elicit the relaxation response, a physical state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress. To access the relaxation response you’ll need: a quiet, comfortable and calm environment with as few distractions as possible, a constant stimulus: a sound, word, or phrase repeated silently or aloud and a passive attitude. 

After fulfilling these criteria, try to sit comfortably and relax for 10-20 minutes and allow your body and brain the chance to come down from the daily stressors it is barraged with daily. The relaxation response is the opposite of stress and is one way to love and respect yourself to reduce stress and the negative health consequences. 

Please select a video

Deep Breathing to Reverse the Stress Response

Determine What you Can Control and Focus on This

Happy Thoughts to Reduce Stress

The Relaxation Response

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