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What is Qi Gong?

Qi is a very ancient Chinese concept that is hard to translate into English but is usually translated as vital life force. This force is what animates you and all that is in your world; it’s what makes you alive. Gong means work or cultivation on a basic level, while Qi Gong is a system that cultivates vital life force.

Qi Gong arose thousands of years ago through the ancients’ study of the interconnected cycles of nature, the universe and humans. By observing animals and nature’s elements (water, wind, fire), the ancients began to closely follow the harmony and balance that nature created.

Through their own movements, sound and visualizations, they began to access similar qualities within themselves, allowing this same harmony and balance to be experienced. Today these sequences of movements, sound, breath work, visualizations and meditation are called forms and are a major portion of the Qi Gong healing practice. Qi Gong is practiced daily by hundreds of thousands of people of all ages and life paths in China. And now, individuals and small groups can also be seen practicing in parks and such in the Western world.

All disease in the Chinese system is caused by disharmony between humans and these natural and universal cycles. Regular practice allows you to release toxins and return to your whole, or healed, state. Qi Gong can be practiced by anyone at any time and only asks for your open awareness of how you interact with these natural cycles.

Moving like a deer, standing like a crane

Imagine the spring season and all of the new growth that is budding around you. Sprouts are pushing their way out of the ground seeking the increasing light that surrounds them. There are more shades of green than you can count. Moving like a young deer at the break of dawn (which is the spring of the day) can create new ideas you have never considered before.

Summer follows with heat, excitement and abundance. The sun is warm on your skin and everything is in full bloom. Many shades of red, orange and pink can be experienced with the midday sun. Moving like a playful monkey during this time can open your heart to compassion and light a healthy fire and zest within your life.

As late summer arrives you can begin to feel your central place in the cycle for a moment before the transition to autumn. The air begins to turn cool, and multicolored leaves fall to the earth and on the white and gray rocks below. With the setting sun, you are standing with the grace of a crane, drawing power from the minerals in the rock and strengthening your immune system as the light slowly fades away.

Winter beckons you to go inside like a turtle and listen to the quiet that surrounds you. Draw your awareness in to allow access to the vast expanse of limitless indigo blue waters that surround you. As nighttime falls, feel this cleansing power of water as you move in a fluid way to release any intent that is no longer serving you. Then, wait, listen and feel for when it’s time to begin the whole cycle anew.

A regular Qi Gong practice allows you to become more attuned to these different qualities and quantities of vital life force within yourself and nature at the same time. You will experience the quality that is needed to bring more balance and ease to your life. You will access a simple yet more powerful connection between body, mind and spirit and improve your general state of well‐being.


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