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Eat For Health  > Bone Health    Printable Version

No Bones About It- We All Need Calcium

Our bones are alive! Often we think of bones as those bright white skeletons that were in the back of the science room in high school, but they are not static; they are always being broken down and built back up. Just like your home they need constant upkeep to function properly. As you already know, our bones are mostly made of calcium, and we need to enough calcium each day to keep them strong.
To ensure bone health the recommended daily amounts are:
1-3 years
500 mg
500 mg
4-8 years
800 mg
800 mg
9-13 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
14-18 years
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
1,300 mg
19-50 years
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
1,000 mg
50+ years
1,200 mg
1,200 mg
Take a look at the charts below. Are you getting enough calcium?
Calcium (mg)
8 oz. Plain, non-fat yogurt
½ cup Ricotta cheese, part skim
1.5 oz. Cheddar cheese (1 ½ slices)
1 cup Fat-free (skim) milk
Dairy is a great source of calcium but it is important to chose varieties that are low-fat or fat-free because the fat that’s in dairy products is the heart unhealthful, saturated andtrans fats. For those who cannot digest dairy because they are intolerant to the carbohydrate lactose in milk there are several options including taking a pill that can assist your digestion, or choosing milk products like Lactaid that do not contain lactose.

For those who do not drink milk because they are allergic or for other reasons there are several other food sources of calcium. Take a look below.
Calcium (mg)
3 ounces Sardines (canned in oil, with bones)
3 ounces Salmon (pink, canned, solids with bone)
½ cup Firm tofu (made with calcium sulfate)
8 ounces Calcium-fortified soy beverage
1 cup Calcium-fortified cereal
6 ounces Calcium-fortified orange juice
½ cup Boiled turnip greens
1 cup Cooked or raw kale
½ cup Cooked spinach

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