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FAT, that three letter word can strike fear into the hearts of thousands. But why? Consuming too much fat can add to weight gain, but so too can consuming too much protein or too many carbohydrates. The rates of overweight (BMI>25) and obesity (BMI >30) have been rising for decades despite the wide array of low-fat products on the market. What really is a low-fat product? To be labelled a low-fat a product, it must contain fewer than 3 grams of fat per serving, regardless of how big or small a company describes a serving. For many products, removing the fat also removes a lot of the flavor which food manufacturers often replace with refined carbohydrates (sugar); bringing the calories back up (or higher) than where they started.

Fat does have more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein, but that does not mean that it should be avoided. The general recommendation is to consume about 20-35% of calories from fat, but what really matters is the type of fat. Saturated fat and trans fats are known to contribute to the clogging of arteries, and are found in foods like meats, poultry skin, dairy products and many packaged goods. These fats should be kept to a minimum.

On the flip side are the polyunsaturated fats that should make up the majority of fat in the diet. Foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids are fish, nuts and seeds and oils like olive oil and soybean oil. These fats promote heart health and ensure that you are absorbing essential vitamins.

Portion size matters even when choosing healthful fats; a small handful of nuts can provide unhealthful fats, minerals like magnesium and a little fiber, but a canister of nuts provides all these healthful nutrients for too many calories to maintain a healthful weight. Choose wisely and enjoy the pleasure of fat in your diet.  

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Eating Fat Wisely is Good For You

Good Fats vs. Bad Fats

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