Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Eat For Health  > Diabetes    Printable Version

Carbs Count

All macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) are important to those who have diabetes. However the amount and timing of carbohydrate consumption is especially important. Since those who have diabetes are less able to naturally regulate his or her blood sugar, they must try to regulate it themselves through carful carbohydrate intake. 
Working with your dietitian or diabetes nurse you will come up with the right amount of carbohydrate to take in at one time. The idea is that you want to have a steady intake of carbohydrates; so you may need to have several small snacks throughout the day. And since your body cannot handle a heavy dose of carbohydrates at one time, it is likely that you will have to monitor the portion of your meal that comes from carbohydrates.
Both meals and snacks will likely be accompanied by medication to help you regulate your blood sugar. Every patient is different, and type, timing and dose of medications should be discussed with your doctor.
Here is one example of how a person with diabetes could spread his or her carbohydrates throughout the day. Every person is different, and may need more or less carbohydrates, and will have different plans for meal and snack times; this is merely one example.
A 1900-2000 calorie diet with 50% of intake coming from carbohydrates means that he or she needs about 250 g of carbohydrates each day.
This could look like this:
Breakfast:  60g
Snack:  20g
Lunch:  60g
Snack: 20g
Dinner: 60g
Snack: 20g
Please look at our accompanying article that will give some examples of how many grams of carbohydrate are in select foods and serving sizes.
Many people with diabetes also find it very helpful to track what they eat (both type of food and amount) daily while they are getting used to this diet. It may also be helpful to track blood glucose readings. Over time this will help you reveal patterns that you may have missed.  

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