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Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Or Do Without- Six Tips for a Green Home

1. Use energy efficient lighting
Replace your energy-consuming traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy saving compact fluorescent light. These bulbs last longer and can save you money in the long run. Also, try using natural lighting whenever you can. Open curtains and blinds and delay having to turn the lights on so early in the evening.

2. Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, Or Do Without
In other words:
Reduce: Be less of a consumer. Buying new products impacts the environment in several ways. It requires energy to develop, manufacture, package and ship products. Do you really need it?
Reuse: There are many items around your house that can be used for more than one task. Look around and get creative. Reusing also means going to second hand shops for items like dressers, tables and perhaps kitchen appliances.
Recycle: Many communities are making recycling a lot easier. Take advantage of your community’s recycling program and create less trash.

3. Minimize use of carpet
Chemically treated carpets, adhesives and backings can emit numerous chemicals. Also carpets can contribute to indoor air pollution due to collection of dust and other pollutants in the carpet fibers. Where carpet is used, obtain test data prior to purchase and avoid carpets with topical chemical treatments. Consider airing-out the carpet prior to installation and using low-VOC adhesives for installation.

4. Use non-toxic cleaners. There are many ways to clean your home that do not involve toxic and noxious chemical.

5. Maintain Your Home
• Fix any moisture or leak problems immediately. Mold and mildew are biological indoor air pollutants.
• Prevent air infiltration by sealing gaps at window frames, cracks at building intersections and adding weather stripping to doors.
• Clean and maintain your mechanical systems. Mold, dust and other contaminants can collect in your heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) ducts over time. (Many systems can be cleaned by HVAC conditioning specialists).

6. Install
• Solar hot water heating where feasible. The sun provides a "free" source of energy which helps to reduce energy usage and costs.
• Energy-efficient mechanical heating and air conditioning systems to replace old, out-dated systems. This is another method to save on energy consumption and improve your indoor air quality.
• Water-saving fixtures in sinks, showers and toilets.

Try tackling a few of these tips every season or so to do your part to help conserve energy and help our environment.

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