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Most people think of the importance of staying hydrated during hot summer months or during a long workout, but adequate hydration matters all the time. Water removes waste through urine, controls body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure and provides lubrication for joints. Our bodies are very good at regulating our hydration status; any extra we urinate out, and if we are short, our thirst mechanism is activated. Not responding to this thirst mechanism can have dire consequences for both the short and long term. Too little water means you don’t have enough to remove toxins, and telltale sign of this phenomenon is dark urine. Have you ever had a busy day at work and not been able to make it to the restroom until the end of the day only to realize your urine is darker than the apple juice you drank this morning. This may be one of your first signs of dehydration. A general rule of thumb is that you should be drinking enough fluids that you’re going to the bathroom every 2-3 hours and your urine is a light yellow. 

So what should you drink to stay hydrated? 

Most non alcoholic fluids will contribute to adequate hydration, but some are better than others. Juices and soft drinks indeed contribute water, but they come with a heavy dose of calories. These calories are in the form of simple sugars and do little to enhance overall health. Most often the best choice is just plain tap water. Tap water is free, tastes good and is the perfect hydrator for most individuals. Bonus: Drinking tap water does not contribute to plastic water bottle waste. 

Don’t forget about all the fluid you can get from food too! Soups, juicy fruits and vegetables and other foods provide a lot of water to your diet. When water gets boring, try adding a few of these to your glass. A few cucumbers tastes like a day at the spa and adding a few slices of your favorite citrus fruits can add a kick without a lot of calories. 

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Hydration-How Much is Enough?

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