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Kitchen Basics  > Time Savers    Printable Version

Five Tips for Getting Supper on the Table in Record Time

We all know that cooking is one of the best things we can do to ensure that what we are eating is healthfully. When we cook for ourselves we know that the ingredients are fresh and that there is no added fat, sugar all salt; this cannot be said for prepackaged meals or take-out. However many people choose to eat out because they feel like it’s faster than cooking. The reality is, is that cooking at home is not only healthier, it’s faster. Think about it, even if you order a pizza you still won’t have it in your kitchen in less than 20 minutes. Try a few of these tips to speed up your suppertime routine.

1. Be organized. Having all the ingredients you need on hand it one of the best ways to ensure that you will have supper on the table before the whining starts. This may go without saying but choosing recipes with the fewest ingredients will help ensure that everything you need is on hand.

2. Use a slow cooker. Slow cookers can be used to make all sorts of meals from beef stew to oatmeal. These time savers require a few minutes of prep in the morning but your foods cooks all day so when you get home all you need to do is serve!

3. Double the recipe. Making twice the amount of food you and your family will eat in one night is a great way to cut out an entire evening’s cooking time. Leftovers do not need to be a dreaded word. Try making a large pot of soup and freezing half of it; you will be glad you have this warm and hearty meal on a rainy Monday night when all you have to is microwave it and supper is served. This also goes for sides like brown rice; if you are already making a pot of rice, double up and freeze what’s left.

4. Buy pre- washed, pre-sliced and pre-cooked where your budget allows. Often these foods are more expensive so make your own; as soon as you get home from the grocery store, wash your spinach, and chop up those green peppers. When it comes time for supper- the hard part will be done.

5. Skip the peeling. For foods like potatoes and carrots a lot of time can be wasted by peeling. As long as the vegetables are washed, there is no need to remove the skin. Bonus: This is where a lot of the nutrients are!

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