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There are no magical super foods that when eaten allow you to see through walls and solve complex math problems, but there are foods that are so super they can help you live longer and healthier while looking your best.

How can you tell if you’re working with a super food? Generally a super food is a food that has gone through close to no processing. So foods like fresh (or frozen) fruits and vegetables qualify as super foods. Fruits and vegetables that have been used as fillers in desserts, or pulverized and deep fried in to a chip are not super foods no matter what the label says. Other super foods include nuts, whole grains, beans, fish and low-fat dairy; while yes they have been processed a little to get them from farm to table, they have not had the processing that a food like salty crackers and high fructose sugar sweetened cookies have had. Cooking with super foods is the best way to get fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and since you’re the cook in charge you know exactly what’s in the healthful meal you and your family are about to enjoy!

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