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Cook & Eat  > Slow Cookers    Printable Version

In some ways, not a lot has changed in the world of slow cooking since 1971, when Rival introduced Crock-Pot™, the first slow cooker. A slow cooker is still a fairly simple, counter-top electrical appliance that cooks food at a low temperature for a long period of time, usually with a low, high, and warm setting, and often with a timer. Slow cookers operate at a low temperature with a lid, so very little liquid is lost in the cooking process; the liquid stays in the pot and bastes the food. Slow cookers are still recommended for roasts, stews, chili, soups and baked beans.

Slow cookers and moist heat cooking is ideally suited for less expensive cuts of meat with lean muscle and connective tissue (e.g.  shoulders and ribs). Moist heat cooking breaks down the connective tissue, resulting in tender and flavorful dishes. Slow cookers are also a fabulous way to cook vegetarian dishes and legumes. Best of all, it is a one-pot wonder, with very easy cleanup. Start the meal before you go to work, and you come home to the delightful smells of a delicious, home-made meal!

Tips for Cooking in a Slow Cooker

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