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The protein known as gluten which is found in wheat, rye, barely and products made with these grains must be strictly avoided by anyone with gluten-sensitivity or celiac disease (also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy). Individuals who are sensitive or allergic to gluten have an abnormal response to this protein which causes pain and bloating when ingested. Over time, exposure to gluten in these individuals can lead to intestinal damage.

Of course avoiding all traditional and obviously gluten-containing foods is the first line of defense for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. However there are many foods that appear to be gluten-free, but upon closer inspection have a gluten-containing ingredient or two So for many people, the best way to avoid gluten is to cook for themselves and go back to the basics; skip the processed foods that may contain traces of gluten and cook with whole, fresh ingredients. There are many foods in their natural state that do not contain gluten: meats, fruits and vegetables being the three big ones. The tricky part can be cooking with grains that do not contain gluten. The good news is, is that there are more grains that do not contain gluten than grains that do contain gluten and it all it takes is a little practice and some getting used to enjoy gluten-free versions of your favorite foods.

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