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Aerobic Health  > Play    Printable Version

Not Child’s Play

When you think of the word “exercise” what thoughts run through your head? Thoughts of pain and boredom perhaps? What images do you have when you think of the word “play”? Well surprise, surprise exercise and play can be the same thing! Exercise that is painful and dull is no good. You may burn calories but if the activity is something you loathe the likelihood of you going back to the gym or wherever this torture occurred is low. Of course the first time you try anything, you may feel awkward or a little sore afterward but as you gain confidence, strength and balance you should start feeling healthier and energized by your workout. The key is finding activities you enjoy doing.

Think back to when you were a child. Did you like to Frisbee, play tag, help around the house, hula hoop, jump rope, romp on a trampoline, play video games or read?  All of these versions of play can be done on some scale as an adult.

If reading was your one and only passion and still is, use your love of literature to help you move. Buy or borrow the newest audio bestseller. Whether from the library or an online bookstore there are clear directions on how to load these books onto your mp3 player, it’s quite simple.  Now that your favorite tome is hands-(and eyes) free you can walk your neighborhood or on a treadmill while listening! Set small goals for yourself based on books chapters. For example, you may commit to walking for the time it takes to listen to two chapters. Do what feels right for you and build from there.  

Games like Frisbee and tag were fun because you did them with siblings or neighborhood kids; there was camaraderie and maybe a hint of competition. While you may get a funny look from your neighbors if you called them up and asked them to play a game of freeze tag, you can certainly ask a friendly neighbor to walk with you, or head to the gym together. If no playmates come to mind, make some. There are many gyms and studios that offer fun classes like Zumba® a Latin-inspired dance-fitness class and other classes designed for all athletes from extreme novice to practiced class-goer.  

Video games, often cursed by parents for their negative impact on a child’s activity level are now finding a great niche as an activity enhancer. Things like the Wii Fit ™ and Dance Dance Revolution ™ have moved traditional video games into the strata of exergaming, where fun and fitness happen at the same time.

There are many other fun forms of exercise that are reminiscent of childhood play. Think back to games you used to play, or ask friends what their favorites were. While you may not be able to tear through the neighborhood like you used to, there are many ways you can adapt your favorite pastimes with your current lifestyle so you are able to move more!

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