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Functional training was developed over the years by individuals who were interested in strengthening the body the way it moves naturally. Of course lifting a heavy weight over our heads can build arm and shoulder muscle strength, but when in the real world would you be required to lift a heavy object over your head, hold it there and repeat…? Probably never. 

What good is lifting a heavy weight over your head when you spend your weekends doing the everyday chores and tasks like lifting a heavy shovelful of dense snow or wet springtime dirt. To do this shoveling you’re using your back, arm, shoulder, abdominal and leg muscles; they all have to work together to prevent you from fatiguing too quickly or from hurting yourself. It is these everyday chores like shoveling where many people are injured and have to sit on the sidelines for months while pulled lumbar muscles and hamstrings heal. So functional training was developed to assist individuals get more fit and able to do the activities required to get through the day like lifting, bending and stretching. 

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