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Flexibility  > Stretching    Printable Version

Static Stretching

A static stretch is a stretch held for 10 to 30 seconds. A static stretch involves the relaxation and gradual elongation of the muscle. This is a relaxing form of stretching that helps to relieve soreness. Static stretches are easy to learn and can be performed anywhere at any time: when you get out of bed to get your blood flowing, after a workout, or at night as you wind down in front of a good TV show. However, use caution; there is a risk that if you go too hard and too fast with a static stretch, you can strain or even pull a muscle. This is why it is actually best to do you static stretch routine at the end of your workout when your muscles are warm. This way you can increase your range of motion while avoiding injury. Interestingly, an increasing number of studies have shown that traditional static stretching techniques do little to increase flexibility or reduce the risk of injury when performed before a workout.  
One way to judge your own flexibility is with the sit and reach test—yes, that same test that you probably performed in PE during your elementary school years. This sitting toe touch is an example of a passive stretch. To properly execute the test, start from a sitting position on the ground, with both legs together and straight out in front of you. Lean forward from the waist and slowly reach towards your ankles without bending your knees. Gradually increase the intensity of the stretch by leaning forward more until you feel slight discomfort in the hamstrings and lower back. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds and then gradually return to the starting position. If you are able to reach past your toes, you are probably sufficiently flexible, meaning that your muscles are not impairing your range of motion. However, if you feel discomfort in your lower back before you even reach your knees, you are probably too tight in your hamstrings. In fact, tightness in the hamstrings is a key cause of lower back pain. So keep practicing and keep reaching!

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