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Exergaming for Health

Not only is exergaming a blast, but it can improve your stress levels, fitness and overall health. A study which included twenty-two overweight and normal weight children ages 11-17 investigated the role the game Dance Dance Revolution™, a game in which players stand on a dance platform and hit colored arrows with their feet to musical and visual cues had on children’s cardiovascular health. The researchers found that the game raised the children’s heart rates to levels that are high enough to confer cardiovascular benefits. A similar study showed that this positive health effect also holds true in adults. Exergaming can be a legitimate form of physical activity if played for an appropriate duration with the necessary intensity.

In addition to increasing cardiovascular health, exergaming can decrease anxiety and stress, and improve alertness and performance. Although clinical trials are just getting underway to determine if exergaming enhances weight loss, there are numerous websites with blogs and testimonials on which people report having lost 50 to 100 pounds with the help of exergames! In response to these reports, some health plans and employers are making exergames available to their employees. The belief is that this new option for fitness will contribute to improvements in self-esteem, stress reduction, energy level, reduced absenteeism and increased productivity; great for all involved!

So for those who are unable to exercise regularly or struggle to sustain motivation to exercise, exergaming presents a great alternative to achieve important health benefits!

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