Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Activities of Daily Living    Printable Version

The majority of calories we burn every day are through the functions our bodies must do to survive.  Keeping warm, standing upright and digesting food all require energy so we are constantly burning calories simply to stay alive. On top of all these calories we need to survive are the calories we burn going through our day to day activities like brushing our teeth, walking around the grocery store and running after toddlers. Then there are the calories we burn through exercise. These are the calories we burn intentionally to lose or maintain weight and to decrease our risk of  developing disease.

One great way to increase health and manage weight is to integrate bits of intentional movement or exercise into the activities we do every day. You’ve have heard the classics, like take the stairs, or park further from the entrance at the grocery store,  but there are many ways to increase the activity level of of day-to-day routines. At home, at work and even traveling there are ways to burn calories that will leave you energized and help you feel stronger and leaner.   

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