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Aerobic Health  > Water Fun    Printable Version

A Wet Workout

Walking, biking and dancing are all great sources of aerobic exercise. They get your heart rate up and help you burn calories. However for many people, these activities are too painful for the hips or knees. These exercises, which require you to put a lot of weight and pressure on your joints and muscles can be difficult for those who are older, are carrying a lot of extra weight, or are injured or disabled. For this group of people, there is a great alternative to working out on land; working out in water! Think back to the last time you were in a pool or in the ocean, do you remember how easy it was to move? This is because the water buoys your weight; the water supports you so your joints can take a break. When your aching joints are allowed to move freely you can get a great workout.

Another great thing about exercising in the water is that you don’t even need to know how to swim! While swimming is a great exercise, water aerobics is performed in water that is about chest deep. This water height provides just enough support to protect your joints, but is not so much water that you don’t have control over where you place your feet. Exercises in the water can actually be a more effective workout than on land because as you raise your arms and legs through the water you must push through the water resistance.

Another beauty of water workouts is that you can tailor them to become more challenging as you get stronger. You may just start by walking in the water. This is a great way to start because you are supported by the buoyancy of the water, but you must use your muscles to push through this water; you will surely feel your heart rate increase while you walk. As you become more advanced and comfortable in the water you can incorporate equipment. Yes just like in the gym there is equipment you can use in the water to enhance your workouts! This equipment, like noodles, buoyancy belts and weights can make your workout more interesting and can really be fun.

The first step is to find a pool in your area. Perform an internet search or look through the yellow pages to find a pool or a gym with a pool. Once you have found a pool, give them a call and see if they offer water workouts, and for what level athlete. It’s likely that they will have a beginner class you can try for free. If being part of a group is daunting, see if they have a free swim time where you can move independently around in the water and get your confidence up. Whether on your own (be sure there is a lifeguard on duty) or part of a class, water workouts are a great way to get your heart pumping and burn calories.

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