Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Strength  > Health Club 101    Printable Version

OK so this is the scenario. You have not been to a gym in years. In fact, you may never have stepped foot in a gym in your entire life. But you are past the phase of contemplation, you understand the benefits of resistance training, and you want to experience the fun and feel the “pump for yourself.” You are just about to walk into your local gym to sign up for a membership, when you have a moment of panic. You see all of these crazy contraptions through the window, these muscular guys with bulging biceps and cut-off T’s, and you hear loud rock music in the background. Woah! This is too overwhelming of a situation and you are about to turn right back around, hop back in your car, and pledge to never get that close to a gym again! Does this sound at all familiar?

Well it should, because just about everyone who has began a resistance training routine at his or her local gym has been daunted by this same situation and stricken by these same nauseating feelings. Yes, even the ripped guys with the tattoos were once in your position. It can be overwhelming to navigate a fitness facility, especially when you are beginning to use weights and have no idea what equipment does what and which is appropriate for you.  
Luckily once you're over this initial hurdle, starting a weight lifting program at your local fitness club is easier than you think. With the appropriate mindset, and motivation you can become stronger and leaner in a few short weeks.

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