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Flexibility  > Yoga    Printable Version

Yoga refers to the traditional physical and mental discipline that originated in India and has been practiced throughout the world for over 5,000 years. The word “yoga” means “union” and it is one of the oldest, most holistic approaches to mind/body health. Traditional yoga consists of lifestyle guidelines and ethical standards designed to cultivate an enlightened mind characterized by profound wisdom, constant calmness, and imperturbable happiness. Yoga is a total process of spiritual development, the techniques of which is universal and can be applied to any lifestyle or religious belief.
This is slightly different from how we think of yoga nowadays! Here in the United States and other countries in the Western world, yoga is a form of exercise with breathing patterns, physical postures, and meditative states. We tend to forget the spiritual and mental aspects and focus on asana, the body positions typically associated with yoga practice. However, it still seems that we derive some of these benefits because not only is yoga a great form of exercise and relaxation, it has scientifically proven health benefits. Remember—sound body, sound mind!

Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

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