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Five Reasons to Move Your Workout to the Pool

Working out in the water is a great, safe workout. It is ideal for athletes of all levels. Professional athletes and Olympians use water workouts as a way to train while injured, and for those of us who are less skilled, exercising in the water is great workout if we are carrying some extra weight, have an injury or just want to change it up. Whether novice or pro, here are five great reasons to start working out in the water:

1. It’s seasonless. Whether a steamy day in August or an icy day in December, the pool will be available, and set to a comfortable temperature. It can be a refreshing workout during the dog days of summer, and a winter warmer when the mercury plummets outside. No excuses!

2. It feels really good. Water has a calming effect, and moving through the water offers a nice massage as the water pushes back against your movements.

3. Great for those with any joint pain or injury. Actually the exercise is so aptly geared towards individuals with arthritis that the Arthritis Foundation has developed a water exercise program designed for people with arthritis and related conditions. Classes are usually conducted 2 to 3 times per week at local indoor pools for 45 to 60 minutes. Joining a water exercise class gives you the opportunity to exercise in warm water, with guidance from a trained instructor.

4. All the positive health benefits of exercising on land hold true for exercising in the water:
• Increased cardiovascular health
• Stress release
• Increase strength and flexibility
• Weight loss and decreased risk of accompanying diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure
• Mood elevator

5. There is a lot of variety in the workouts you can do. Just running in place in the water is a challenge without the joint pain. As you advance there are classes and other workouts you can do individually or with a group. And even more advanced is the swimmer! Swimming laps is a great way to burn calories and can be a very soothing way to exercise.

Despite your reason for starting a water workout program, start small, stretch well and don’t forget to stay well hydrated.

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