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Flexibility  > Stretching    Printable Version

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretches involve flexibility during an active movement; the stretch is created through your own movement, momentum, and active muscular force. Although dynamic stretches tend to incorporate sport-specific movements, anyone can do a circuit of dynamic stretches before starting a workout because this preps the body for physical exertion. And yes, “before starting a workout” is the best time to do dynamic stretches.

Dynamic stretching increases your range of motion and reduces muscle tightness by improving blood and oxygen flow to soft tissues prior to exertion. Also, by incorporating movement into your stretching, you raise your body’s core temperature. Dynamic stretches also helps the nervous system and motor ability since dynamic motions do more to prepare those areas than static stretches.

While doing dynamic stretches, you gently propel your muscles towards their maximum range of motion. You do not want to try to overly exaggerate the range of motion because this may cause injury. Some good examples of dynamic stretches to incorporate into your routine include arm circles, an exaggerated kicking motion, and walking lunges (without weights). A comprehensive, total body circuit of dyamic stretches would look something like this:

1) Arm circles
2) Arm swings
3) Core twists
4) Bodyweight Lunge
5) Prisoner Squat
6) Glute walk
7) Quad walk
8) Straight leg forward kicks
9) Straight leg side kicks
10) Ankle pops

Incorporate some of these motions into a circuit and go through this once or twice before doing your resistance training. You will be primped and pumped to go!

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