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Cook & Eat  > Culinary Adventures    Printable Version

Eating, beyond being a necessary function of life, should be fun. The range of sensory stimulus that one can experience through the art of eating is vast and seductive. Be it the perfumed aromatics of the Middle East, the humble perfection of the French Bistro or the honest satisfaction of a freshly laid egg, eating offers us experiences that resound within us for the rest of our lives.
For many people, the venture into the kitchen can be a source of fear; fear that they will fail. Some have had disastrous misadventures at some point in the past, while others simply never had the opportunity to explore the rich variety of tastes and flavors which the culinary world has to offer.
The more you cook, the more you learn. By cooking outside the rigors you might normally adhere to you, the greater your culinary lexicon becomes as you begin to see that the similarities in cuisines are far more prevalent then the differences.
Starting with what you know and like but may never have attempted to cook is a good springboard for exploring the wonderfully immense world of gastronomy. From there you can branch out to wherever your palate wishes to roam, down to the local farm or across the world. You are the master of your own destiny as you embark on your culinary adventures.

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