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Clean Green

Ever cleaned all morning and stopped to take a look at your sparkling pad only to realize your nose was stinging and your head was spinning? Traditional cleaners may work well, but can contain noxious fumes and dangerous chemicals that can be unhealthy for you and your family. Try using a few of these natural cleaning alternatives (load up on baking soda). They will help you save your health, the earth and a few bucks.


Stainless Steel: Warm water and a little dish soap can do the trick. To brighten the look, scrub with a baking soda and water paste.

The Fridge: Remove fridge shelves and compartments and wash them in warm soapy water and rinse. Wipe the inside of the fridge with a solution made up of two teaspoons of baking of soda for every 4 cups of warm water. Get into the rubber door seal with an old toothbrush. Stains inside the fridge can be rubbed with a stronger baking soda paste or white toothpaste. A couple of times a year, pull the appliance away from the wall and vacuum the cooling elements at the back. It will make the fridge more efficient.

Stove tops: Remove pan stands and soak in dish or laundry detergent and water. Scrub the burners with baking soda and water, and wipe down the base plate with warm soapy water. Avoid stainless steel wool pads and other abrasives as surfaces may scratch easily. When done, dry and polish with a microfiber cloth. Prevention is best- Wipe spills right away.

Counter Tops: It is important that counters are cleaned every day. Warm water and a little dish soap is enough if you keep up daily. And you’re probably not surprised, but stubborn stains can be cleaned with a paste made of baking soda, water and a few drops of vinegar.

Living Room

Carpet stains: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray directly on the stain, let sit for several minutes and clean with a brush or sponge using warm soapy water. For fresh grease spots, sprinkle corn starch onto the stain and wait 15 - 30 minutes before vacuuming.
For a heavy duty carpet cleaner, mix 1/4 cup each of salt, borax and vinegar. Rub paste into carpet and leave for a few hours, then vacuum.

Furniture Polish: For varnished wood, add a few drops of lemon oil into 1/2 cup warm water. Mix well and spray onto a soft cotton cloth (the cloth should only be slightly damp). Wipe furniture with the cloth, and finish by wiping once more using a dry soft cotton cloth.

Mothball alternative: Tie a few cedar chips in a cheesecloth square, or dip a cloth or cotton ball in cedar oil and hang in closet to repel moths. The cedar should be 'aromatic cedar', also referred to as juniper.


Bathroom mold:. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with two parts water in a spray bottle and spray on areas with mold. Wait at least one hour before rinsing or using shower.

Clean silver: line a pan with aluminum foil and fill with water; add a teaspoon each of baking soda and salt. Bring to a boil and immerse silver. Polish with soft cloth.

There is no need to throw away a full bottle of “Dangerous But It Works” cleaner. Use it up and before purchasing your next bottle, give a few of the tips above a whirl, your may just find what you’re looking for.

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