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Be a Healthy Role Model

One of the absolute most important things you can do to raise healthy eaters is to lead by example. Children imitate their parents’ language, movements and habits, so it’s important that these habits be healthful. One of the first steps to being a great role model is to learn the basics of healthful nutrition. Incorporate more whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains lean protein like skim milk and fish and eat fewer processed foods. This does not mean you need to give up convenience; there are many ways to incorporate healthful whole foods that are simple and tasty.

The second step it to practice great habits:

Eat meals together as often as possible without distractions. This is essential for laying the foundation of mindful eating. Food is important nourishment and eating should be the focus of the meal; turn off not distractions like phones, magazines and the TV.

Be careful about your words and actions regarding foods. Making a face, or proclaiming “I don’t like mushrooms,” can make quite an impression on little ones. We all have foods that we don’t like, but play it cool, pass on foods that aren’t your favorite and encourage little ones to try many new foods.

Snack but don’t graze. Grazing is eating mindlessly all through the day and likely not registering the calories going in. Snacking is a more planned behavior. Snacking is great for adults because it prevents hunger which can results in overeating or overindulging at meal time. Snacking is also great for kids because they have a smaller capacity for food. Children may not be able to take in enough food at meal times to provide all the vitamins, minerals and fiber they need. Small snacks like fruit, vegetables and nuts are a great for children and adults alike.

Remember that children’s needs are different. They will learn by watching you and their preferences will change over time, what will hold steady is the impression you make regarding healthful foods and habits.

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