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Manage Your Weight  > Calories    Printable Version

Calories Count

A calorie is a unit of energy. We eat calories and our bodies use these calories to keep us warm and to fuel our muscles. Any calories we don’t use are put into storage...also known as fat. We tap into this fat when we are using more calories than we are eating. Unfortunately these days, with the accessibility and low cost of calories, many of us are consuming far more than we’re burning, and storing far too many calories as fat. Too many calories in storage, or being overweight is dangerous as it can increase you risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, joint pain and some cancers.

Caloric Density
Fats, carbohydrates and protein all provide calories. Carbohydrates and protein provide 4 calories per gram and fat provides 9 calories per gram. This is why choosing the right foods are necessary for weight management. Fat is an essential part of the diet, but foods that contain high levels of fat are generally considered calorically dense. Take a look at this example. Three whole cups of baby spinach provides 70 calories, from 0 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of protein. Three cups of milk chocolate provides 2696 calories, from 150 grams of fat, 300 grams of carbohydrate and 39 grams of protein. Because chocolate is so calorically dense, (due to the high fat content) a lot more calories can fit into three cups of chocolate than into three cups of baby spinach!

One great way to control calories to choose foods that take up a lot of room, but don’t provide a lot of calories. Baby spinach is a great example. Other examples include a colorful fruit salad; try choosing this for dessert and skipping the ice cream which is yes, you guessed it, a calorically dense food. Choosing the right calories from foods like fruits and vegetables can provide satiety and nutrition without all calories that other less healthful food provide.

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