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Eat For Health  > Cancer    Printable Version

Cancer is caused when the usual stop-dividing mechanisms of a cell aren’t working properly. This cell divides into two new cells whose stop-dividing mechanisms are not working, and then these two cells divide and so on. The symptoms of cancer are caused by these cells spreading and taking resources away from normal cells. They are like uninvited house guests; they come in and eat all the food prepared for the normal guests who were invited, leaving the normal, invited house guests, tired, uncomfortable and fatigued; symptoms of many cancers. 

While some cancer-causers are not modifiable, like genetics, other risk factors can be addressed and modified to reduce risk. We’ve all heard that smoking promotes lung cancer, but have you heard that being overweight can promote cancer as well? It’s true, being overweight is associated with most cancers including cancer of the colon, breast, endometrium,kidney and esophagus. It’s estimated that obesity and physical inactivity may account for 25 to 30 percent of several major cancers!

So here’s the good news, there is something that can be done about it. Attaining or maintaining a healthful weight is one strong way you can reduce your cancer risk. Filling your plate with naturally colorful fruits and vegetables instead of packaged and processed foods not only contributes to weight management, but also provides a bounty of antioxidants that are known cancer fighters. Fruits and vegetables are not the only players when it comes to weight loss and cancer prevention. Skipping the processed meats like sausages, and opting for lean chicken and fish will reduce your intake of cancer causing chemicals and unhealthful fats. So next time you’re at the grocery store, take a look around and see where you can cut out the processed foods, and start adding the fresh, lean and flavorful foods mother nature intended. 

Please select a video

The Relationship Between Weight and Risk for Cancer

Whole Foods for Cancer Prevention

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