Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
"Bad Eating" Printable Version
I often hear people say, "I've been so bad," when referring to how they have been eating.

The reality is there is no "good" or "bad" way to eat, and there are no "good" or "bad" foods. Sure, there are foods that should be chosen in moderation because in addition to being calorically dense they can slam our arteries with saturated fat, trans fat and salt making our hearts work overtime.

I say moderation and not elimination because setting up a food as "forbidden" can be tough. Anything forbidden seems to rise out of our subconscious into our conscious minds. Have you ever been working diligently at your computer and the image of your favorite food sneaks into your mind and won't leave? What happens? Some days it's easy to ignore this intruder, and some days your best bet is just to let it in; have one small slice of cheesecake and really make it count. Turn off the distractions: cell phones, television, computer, magazines, newspapers etc. and enjoy that cheesecake. How does it smell? What does it look like on your plate? How does it feel in your mouth, on your tongue and going down your throat?

What about the foods that are traditionally classified as "good" like fruits, vegetables and whole grains? Eating these foods is not a punishment! These foods provide great flavor, fiber, vitamins and minerals. These are the foods that are best if chosen most of the time. Eating these foods does not mean you're on a diet, choosing these foods is eating healthfully and treating your body with respect.

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