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Mind-Body  > Emotional Eating    Printable Version

Emotional Eating is a hot topic in America’s fight against obesity and the negative health consequences that are highly correlated with being overweight. We know from childhood that food can act as both friend and foe. Food nourishes us, but too much can damage our health in so many ways. Too many calories can cause weight gain, too much salt can cause hypertension and too much saturated fat can lead to heart disease.

Food can also be a highly effective short-term coping tool, helping to distract us from our emotions or soothe our racing thoughts after a tough day. However, often the foods we choose to help us cope are high in calories, fat and salt. Consistently making the choice to feed our emotions with these foods can damage our mental and physical health.

Instead of dealing with stress and negative emotions with food, begin to cultivate techniques and methods for dealing with stress that don’t involve food such as: mindfulness, meditation, understanding compassionate self-talk and increasing self-care skills. Use these techniques and methods to stop yourself in the moments leading up to a binge episode and take back control of your eating.

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Dealing With Cravings

Emotional Eating

How Impulses Affect Eating Habits

Why Do I Turn to Food?

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