Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Sleep    Printable Version

We all know sleep is important but sometimes it feels like in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there simply are not enough hours left for the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep. Research shows that one in five Americans sleep fewer than six hours a night. This trend leads to lifestyle patterns that can eventually lead to negative health consequences. When we are lacking sleep, our exhaustion makes us feel too sluggish to exercise, eat healthfully, spend time with loved ones, engage in pleasurable activities and be productive in our work lives. Eventually, these behavior changes could lead to chronic health problems such as an increased risk of developing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and psychological problems.
If we are not getting the sleep that we need, the body will fight back. Sleep is important; it affects mood, memory and problem solving. Just like a cranky kid who missed her nap, adults get irritated more easily if they are trying to function on too few hours of shut eye. Lack of sleep can also make it very difficult to concentrate. Have you ever been trying to get work done late in the afternoon and felt like you could use a toothpick to keep your eyelids open?
Adequate sleep also ensures we maintain healthy immune and endocrine systems. If we are unable to catch the 8 hours and 40 winks we need each night, we are more likely to catch that cold that’s going around. Lack of sleep also negatively affects appetite regulation, and research has proven that lack of sleep leads to weight gain.

With all the ways lack of sleep can affect our health, it seems like one simple thing we can do to be healthier.

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