Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Sleep  > Weight Connection    Printable Version

It is necessary to get a full night’s sleep in order to achieve our weight loss or maintenance goals.

Most importantly is the sleep we achieve during a rapid eye movement cycle, because this is the time when our appetite-regulating hormones are being produced. Hormones such as leptin and ghrelin control appetite and how well our body metabolizes food. When we get fewer than eight hours of sleep, the body will overproduce levels of ghrelin, leading to increased appetite during the daytime. When we get the adequate 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, the bodies develop and maintain adequate levels of hormones that tell us when we are satisfied and full by the foods we eat.

Another added benefit of sleep is that we will have optimal energy to incorporate physical fitness into our daily routine, thus increasing the likeliness that we can and will maintain our weight loss and overall life satisfaction that comes with a healthy and functioning body.



The Importance of Sleep

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