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Spirituality and Your Health

When you possess the profound belief that you belong to a larger whole, you are being “spiritual.” Spirituality is not about being religious, believing in God or praying. It is about receiving and giving love and support from something that is beyond yourself, which helps you understand and believe that you are not alone. When you feel that you are not alone, an amazing thing happens to your mind and body—it relaxes.

The profound sense that you belong to a larger whole is one of the characteristics associated with physical, emotional and mental resilience. The belief allows you to be able to perform effectively even under stress, your body to be stronger, your mind to be clearer.

Religion is only one of the paths to spirituality. The Latin root religio signifies the bond between humanity and a greater-than-human power. Some studies show that the more often you go to religious services, the longer you live. Other studies have found lower rates of high blood pressure in individuals who attended religious services. But probably one of the most profound benefits of religion as path to spirituality is the sense of community. And with that sense of community, once again, you feel that you are not alone.

Feeling that you are not alone allows you to be less vigilant, more relaxed and more aware of the resources that are available to you. You are less likely to get upset, angry or fearful about your future. Then, since you are less negatively affected by the stress in your life, you are less likely to fall into self destructive behaviors. With a stronger sense of spirituality, you are instead more likely to open up to the wonders of life and partake in self constructive and loving behaviors.

The best part about spirituality is that it’s easy to get to. All you have to do is connect to that sense of awe—like a beautiful sunset; how some things that happen in life seem like miracles; the Divine nature in all things and beings, etc.

Try it.
• Focus on a situation of awe.
• Breathe it in.
• Exhale it out.
• Allow yourself to feel connected to infinite space, love, wisdom, grace and acceptance.
• Allow your heart to bloom like a flower and connect to the possibilities of life.

Notice how you feel.

You may notice that this experience helps you feel relaxed, secure, and less angry, alone, and fearful, as if your mother or father is holding you, keeping you nurtured and safe. You may find that you are better able to find meaning in any situation and the courage to deal with it successfully.

You just might discover that you choose to take better care of yourself, your loved ones and your planet.


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