Cornerstone Family Practice | HealthTrac
Positive Emotions  > Appreciation    Printable Version

After running errands (and yourself into the ground) day after day it can become very difficult to remember and be grateful for the little things. Grateful that the car you drive every day to complete these errands will keep you safe in a crash, grateful that you have the capacity to jump out of the car and grab that carton of milk without assistance, or grateful that you have money in your account to pay for the gas that goes into your car and the milk that goes into your refrigerator.

In accounting, appreciation of an asset is an increase in its value. Why not stretch this definition into our own lives; by appreciating our small “assets”, the little things in life they increase in value.  Having an increased value in the little things, takes the pressure of you to obtain happiness with big ticket items like designer bags and lavish vacations.

Often, we get so focused on trying to make our lives better that we forget to appreciate what we already have. To appreciate more of the people and possibilities in our lives, stop and take a look at what you take for granted.

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