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Activities of Daily Living  > It's NEAT    Printable Version

It’s Neat, Not Exercise

Perhaps the most elementary form of physical activity is what is known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, or more simply, NEAT. This refers to all of those habits of fidgeting, such as tapping your toes while you are sitting down or even chewing gum. In both of these instances, your body is moving, which means that your muscles are burning calories for energy. Sure, the number of calories that you burn by chewing gum is nowhere near the number you burn while running or playing sports, but it is true that these calories add up. NEAT is a great way to start incorporating some physical activity into your daily routine, because it does not require you to change anything about your routine.

Indeed, researchers have found that in the long run, NEAT may be what separates lean people from those who are overweight. Lean people spend about two more hours per day on their feet, which means 350 more calories burned per day! This adds up quickly to about a pound in 10 days—just from making the effort to stand more often! Many of us are chained to our desks at work all day and then stuck on our couches in the evening as we catch up on TV. If you spend all of your day in front of a screen, you have to make a conscious effort to move more by incorporating NEAT into your daily habits. If you have a sedentary job, get up and move around every half hour. Not only will this help you burn calories, it will help refocus your brain so that you can work more productively. If you can find some creative ways to incorporate NEAT into your day, plus sticking to that commitment of a half hour of structured exercises (e.g. walking, weight lifting, etc) each day, you will be on your way to major weight loss.

Here are some tips for having a NEAT day:

• Stretch or stand while you watch TV
• Walk after dinner
• Mow your own lawn
• Hold business meetings outside or in a space that allows you to walk while you talk
• Do household chores
• Tap your feet, clap your hands, and get up and dance

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